Wednesday, 30 July 2008

Adult content?

It struck me as I re-read yesterday's post that some might consider it too explicit. Should I perhaps tick 'adult content' in the blog setting? By coincidence, yesterday I also translated a post from Elizabeth's blog and sent it on to our Indonesian language mail list, including of course the source: The Wisdom of Whores. When it arrived back in my in box, it had been marked as spam by my Internet service provider. It reminded me Elizabeth had told me that she had great difficulty getting people to link to her blog because its (great) name was often filtered.

As with Eli's blog, I'm sure the sort of people who would read this would not be upset. If you work in this field, you must be broadminded - and forget any previous prejudices. I recall when we were looking for people to attend our second meeting of people with HIV in 2001, we invited a very macho young man from a drug rehab centre in Bogor. Before accepting, he asked his boss if it would mean he would have to meet with waria (transsexuals). His boss told him that as an HIV-positive junkie, he could not afford to be choosy! And, yes, he did meet with waria, and yes, he found that they were human, just like him.

In some ways, HIV is a great leveller.


1 comment:

Elizabeth Pisani said...

More than you might think. I recently had an e-mail from a conservative Christian pastor in the US who had th courage to admit that a slip in his own behaviour (and a consequent HIV infection) has introduced him to a new world of compassion.