Wednesday, 23 July 2008

Jihad against AIDS

Several activists in Indonesia are supporting the idea of a 'Jihad against HIV/AIDS'. They seem unable to understand the suggestion from Syaiful Harahap, a veteran AIDS journalist, that although the idea might be great, it may perhaps be sensible not to talk of it as a 'jihad'. Mind you, I suppose we ought to have similar sensitivity when we refer to 'crusades'.

The amazing thing (to me) is that this great idea seems to have stemmed from a meeting of religious leaders in East Java organized by USAID|Health Policy Initiative (HPI). One of the participants is quoted as saying, "USAID has the money, while we have the human resources and network. This offers potential synergy for strategic cooperation to benefit the public."

I wonder how USAID views the idea of funding a jihad?


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