Friday, 27 March 2009

When mistrust comes in, love goes out

She's at it again. Our beloved Minister of Health is now questioning the validity of vaccination for "meningitis, mumps and some other diseases," according to the Jakarta Post (Minister wants to review vaccinations). She is apparently once again accusing foreign drug companies of using Indonesia as a testing ground.

The Minister is reported to want scientific proof that immunization against pneumonia, chicken pox, flu, rubella and typhoid are beneficial. At least we can be thankful that she apparently still believes in immunization against measles, polio, tetanus, hepatitis B and TB, but perhaps that's only a matter of time.

I doubt she'll get around to proposing beetroot as treatment for AIDS, as did her erstwhile South African counterpart - I've very rarely seen beetroot in Indonesia. But it could be 'buah merah' (the Papuan red fruit which is still touted as a cure for AIDS) or perhaps the 'Green Cocktail" promoted for its ability to 'control HIV/AIDS' by the State Islamic University (UIN) - I'm sure that would appeal to her.

The Post also reports that UNICEF will wait until the immunization policy is officially changed before commenting. It is perhaps understandable that they don't want to get into a shouting match with the Minister, but one would have thought that they might have felt able to provide the scientific proof she needs - I assume it exists?


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