Monday, 18 August 2008

Deprived of a voice in legislation

Can you be a legislator it you are infected with HIV? Apparently some of the Indonesian political parties don't think so. They will require their candidates to produce a lab test report that proves they are free of HIV and AIDS.

This has become a hot topic in Indonesian AIDS cyberspace. The law apparently requires candidates to be 'physically and mentally healthy', and even some of 'us' think that someone infected with HIV is not physically healthy, and thus the position of the parties concerned is appropriate, But 'we' mostly believe that, not only can someone with HIV be just as healthy as an overweight person, or a chain smoker, but it would be a great benefit to have someone living with HIV in parliament.

Of course, this all ignores the fact that almost certainly there is someone with HIV among the current 500+ national legislators, not to mention the hundreds at province and district level. And there will certainly be others who have children with HIV. Indeed, it is said that ..., but no, I shouldn't pass on rumours...

Naturally, no one asks for proof of mental health...


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