Saturday 30 July 2011

Good women standing shoulder to shoulder

Unusually, the Jakarta Post on Wednesday published an opinion article on its front page. Headlined "Taking charge in a transition", it was by Sri Mulyani Indrawati, Managing Director of the World Bank Group and a former finance minister of Indonesia. For some reason (probably copywrong), this article is not accessible on the Post's web site, but I managed to find it at its original location, under the headline "Winning the Transition."

Although having no direct connection with HIV, I commend this article to you for its clarity and simple language - and because I'm sure that Ibu Sri does have an indirect impact on HIV here, an impact which hopefully will increase.

Indonesia is lucky in having many women like Ibu Sri. Another closer to home is our Minister of Health, Ibu Endang R Sedyaningsih. An ex-AIDS activist, she's now attempting the Herculean task of sorting out the culture of her ministry, sullied as it is by alleged corruption by several of her predecessors (not all female leaders can be trusted!).

There's another women making an impact, Ibu Sri Pandam Pulungsih. This Ibu Sri was previously a very caring Medial Services Director at the Infectious Diseases Hospital in Jakarta, and is now a hugely respected WHO manager, working on their response to HIV in Jakarta.

We are lucky to have so many talented and dedicated women in Indonesia. Standing shoulder to shoulder, they give us hope for the future.


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